![Featured image for “[MS/PhD] MS/PhD Students Requested for ML/DL Projects in Penkova Lab (AME)”](https://www.cs.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/USC.png)
The following announcement is from [Author]. Please contact them directly if you have any questions.
Anita Penkova from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering is writting to you regarding seeking for sudents to work on some of the ML/DL projects.
My research group and I have been working on various projects in the field of ophthalmology, cardiology, cancer and aerospace.
I am looking for master students and PhD students who are skilled in ML, Dl and computer vision.
Interested students can email me at penkova@usc.edu with their resume.
Currently this position is unpaid, however there is a potential in the future when funding are available.