Late Application to M.S. Computer Science (Scientists & Engineers) and M.S. Applied Data Science

The Late Application is no longer available.

For Prospective Students:
Students without an undergraduate background in Computer Science must apply for either the Master of Science in Computer Science (Scientists and Engineers), which is a full-time 2 year, 37 unit program or the Master of Science in Applied Data Science which is a full time 2 year, 32 unit program.

Prospective M.S. Student Application Information

New applicants are eligible to apply for up to 3 programs, so if you are considering CS Scientists & Engineers or Applied Data Science, please apply concurrently when you apply to your other USC Viterbi program(s) of interest.  Students who arrive at USC expecting to immediately "switch into" another M.S. program in Computer Science/Data Science cannot be accommodated. You are expected to join and enroll in the Viterbi program for which you accepted and certified to attend.
For Current Students (entering Viterbi in Spring 2023):

Students admitted to other Viterbi departments are not permitted to take CSCI or DSCI courses during their first semester.  You must take courses applicable to your admitted degree program. For students admitted to other Viterbi M.S. programs for Spring 2023, but who did not apply directly to CS Scientists & Engineers or Applied Data Science, an extremely limited amount of space may be available in the next semester: Fall 2023. Viterbi students who previously applied through the regular admission process and were denied to programs offered by the Computer Science and Data Science department are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply again through the late application. We will not be able to accommodate every request, so we encourage only the most highly qualified applicants to apply. Applications must be submitted by April 14, 2023.

Applicant Criteria:
  • Applicants with previous formal course work in computer science and/or electrical engineering are most qualified for the Scientists and Engineers program.
  • No previous computer science/electrical engineering background is required for Applied Data Science but students should have completed at least Statistics and Calculus 1.
  • Academic performance in your current engineering courses will also be considered.
  • You must be enrolled in a full-time course load; students on reduced course load will not be considered.
Application Requirements:
  • Personal Statement (1-2 pages, please address the following prompts)
    • Why do you want to transition to computer science or applied data science?
    • How will this program contribute to your career goals?
    • How have you prepared for this program?
  • Résumé
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation
  • Online Application Form

Students will be notified in about 3 weeks after the end of the semester of their admission decision. Please contact your home department advisor for any assistance or questions.  It is not necessary to contact the Computer Science and Data Science department. You should enroll in first semester courses applicable to your current degree program as admission to the M.S. Computer Science (Scientists & Engineers) and M.S Applied Data Science is NOT guaranteed. Students may only apply once and it must be during their first semester at Viterbi.  It is not possible to apply after the 1st semester. You may only apply to transfer to either CS scientists and engineers OR Applied Data Science. You may not apply to transfer to both programs. 

Published on August 10th, 2016Last updated on June 7th, 2023