USC Graduate Student Government Professional Development Fund

At this time the CS Department does not provide funding for M.S. candidate professional development or conference attendance. However, all USC graduate students who pay the Student Programming Fee are eligible to apply for the GSG Professional Development Fund.

The GSG Professional Development Fund aims to support USC graduate and professional students in activities related to the development of skills necessary for success post-graduation. Eligibility criteria is intended to be flexible, and funds may be used for activities such as: travel to conferences, organization membership fees, and online workshops. All students who have paid the “Graduate Student Programming Fee” are eligible to apply for this fund. Awards are received as direct deposits and can be applied to future expenses or used to offset the cost of a recent expense. Each award is $500 and students should propose activities that take advantage of the full award. Students are eligible for a maximum of one award per academic year. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact or

Additional information, including the Application Procedures and Guidelines, can be found on the USC Graduate Student Government Grants website. You might also check out the FAQs before submitting your questions to the GSG.

Published on June 15th, 2016Last updated on February 6th, 2023